Thursday, December 3, 2015

Santa's Little Helper

It seems just yesterday I had lots of free time being occupied by Netflix and boredom while I tried finding something to do in this town. Until I got a phone call asking me to come work for Cherry Hills again! For anyone who doesn't know this is the same company that I did the Easter Bunny for, only this time around I'm Santa's helper! I chose to come back once again as an assistant manager and even have some of the same crew from last season. The big difference with this job is unlike a bunny suit, you cannot throw anyone in as Santa because he talks and has his face showing etc. We have about 3 men who all come in on different shifts to interact with the kids and they are all great at what they do and really nice guys. In shows and movies they always act like the mall Santa is just any guy willing to take the job for a couple hundred extra dollars and could care less. I was shocked to figure out that not only did they take their jobs so seriously, they book jobs year round! 

We are located in the Downtown Summerlin Mall inside the giant Igloo right next to the skating rink. If I walk outside I get to see families skating alongside Elsa and Anna on one side, a Christmas tree lot to the other, and a giant Christmas tree behind us. The mall wanted us to go for a very chic modern feel and I think they did a good job, however I'm a little sad I have to wear all black. I think I'm the only employee who was HOPING to be dressed like an elf, but we could have at least got a red apron. When you bring your child into the igloo they are greeted by Santa as they tell him what they want for Christmas and even hand him a letter, then hop on the lap to smile for a photo or two. While the parents choose the best photo and package they want the kids will be getting a light up reindeer nose as a present from Santa. From there they can tell the cashier if they want to buy a frame or plush and pay. By the time you are done the photos have been printed and handed to you along with a shutterfly gift card as a present for the parents. If you come in early your kids can get a lot of one on one time with Santa but the closer it gets to Christmas the pace is going to pick way up. 
So even though my schedule is busy now why did I choose to stay? I would never come back if I didn't like it and this is one of my favorite jobs I've done. I get to work with adorable children, make the parents happy, and work with a fun crew. Not to mention I get to learn how to use the camera, POS register inside and out, helping managing a crew, customer experience and so much more. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Cats out of the bag!

So this is a serious topic that I've kept kind of under wraps until recently. For anyone who doesn't know yet I have dropped out of college. Some people may be wondering why and thinking it was a bad idea but I want to assure you it wasn't. I'll start by saying that I haven't been happy in college for a while now I love taking classes for learning but couldn't find motivation for my major. I chose a major that was easy but I didn't like and then tried switching it to a subject I loved but wasn't good at but neither felt right. This is when the worst summer of my life happened, I was told by a family member who was supporting me I was cut off. I tried calling another family member for advice or help and was told to suck it up and drop out if I can't hack it. In retrospect I should have known to go to a friend for this rather than family, it's never been a good idea. My bf was donating plasma and I was taking odd jobs that would accept me in order to not lose the apartment and afford ramen. I tried donating too but passed out and was told by a doctor I physically couldn't. We couldn't afford to run the AC when it was reaching 112 outside. We sat down and had a very serious talk about what we were going to do. It was obvious how unhappy I was and I admitted it was because I didn't want a career, I wanted to be a stay at home wife and mom someday. We kept talking about how possible it was and what our life would look like. I have to work for now while he is in school, so I kept taking odd jobs to build up a resume and hopefully get a real job. Still it was absolutely terrifying that I wasn't a student anymore and had no safety net until the day I worked a bachelor party. Another girl was there as a bartender named Jayde and we hit it off immediately. She was about the same age as me and had also dropped out. She was this carefree breath of fresh air who took what she wanted and it actually came to her. She showed me another side of living in Vegas and even ran a successful blog which I had wanted to start for years. She inspired me to let loose some, to start my blog, and not be ashamed of my decision. Thinking back to how unhappy I was and how negatively I viewed my future only a year ago, it's really obvious how much happier I am and excited I am for the future. Most of my jobs have been a blast and given me interesting experiences.I don't regret any of my decisions because they have given me good and bad experiences and I finally feel like there is a destination so the road no matter how long, seems brighter.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

All I want for Christmas...

I haven't posted in a long time and that habit is breaking as of now. I'm also going to be posting different types of blogs because I'm still new to the game and don't want to get stuck right off the bat. A girl needs to experiment a while don't you think? This one is going to be very much different from anything else though because it's about Christmas gifts. Being a broke ass college student has really killed my Christmas spirit. I can't afford to get anyone Christmas presents which upsets me because I used to love doing this. I still make a list every year of the perfect presents to get the people in my life. If you have given me gifts since 2009 I want you to know to extremely grateful I am. They are not expected and make me appreciate our relationships. If you haven't gotten me any because you too can't afford it, I feel you bro. I've had a couple people ask me what I want this year so I thought I would just put it in a blog that anyone can go to and read, and know they are cherished by me. Hopefully in less than a years time I will be traveling oversees, so the best things will be something I can use in the meantime, but won't feel bad when I can't take it with me. This is a list of main items that fit this list. All these things you can buy yourself or in the form of a gift card. I also chose things where it doesn't matter if by some miracle two people got me the same thing.
  1. Sims 4 expansions and stuff packs- I know there's probably an online way to do this but Origin is confusing and stupid so I'd stick with hard copies. I have the get to work, but any of the others would be a great addition.
  2. Lush products- lush is the cheapest place that sells natural products for my annoyingly sensitive skin (like face wash, masks, shampoo, etc). rest assured if you get me this it will go to good use.
  3. Anything from ELF- Every girl needs makeup and ELF offers it at the cheapest prices available for the quality. 
  4. Money!!!- Hey, it never fails.
  5. Victoria Secret- This one you'll probably have to do gift cards, as I don't plan on giving out my measurements online ;)
This list can also double for birthdays, thank you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ariana Grande 2nd base W/ Donut

I'll start by saying that this blog is supposed to entail my opinion on current events as well as talk about my life. So can we talk about Ariana for a second? There's a video going around of Grande licking a display doughnut and then saying she hates America. I know we like to act like celebrities live in some alternate universe to us, but in reality she IS American. I don't know about you guys, but everyone I know has said at some point that they hate this country. One of the things I like is that I'm allowed to have a negative opinion about this country, a privilege not everyone gets. It was a holiday and she seems drunk. Yes Ariana was rude and obviously needs to grow up some. However she doesn't need to apologize to the world or have her actions called disgusting, or arrested for "contamination" because she may have licked a display doughnut. She needs to march her perky butt down to that shop and apologize to that worker. When I hear something about a celebrity I always picture them as a normal person I know and then form my opinion. Because believing they are held to a different standard is what causes the holier than though attitudes in them we hate in the first place. I hope we don't live in a world where if I snap at a stranger I have to post a YouTube video about my mistakes.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Always An Adventure In TV Land & Sin City

I didn't mention that sometimes people mistake our set for a real coffee shop and try to walk in. This happened yesterday while we were shooting. I honestly thought the couple once they realized their mistake would leave, but they were really interested in it. Before I even knew it they were handing us a flyer of their own show they do here at Vegas and saying that they might be able to advertise on the show.I swear everyone out here has something which just amazes me so much. Especially since the woman who brought the dogs who we planned on having gave us free tickets to her show, a topless revue that takes place in one of the casinos. My biggest complaint when I got here is how hard it is to get a job because everyone knows everyone but now it's what I love most. You have might have to fight your way in, but you CAN get in or you aren't even trying. Not to say that's a bad thing, I kind of like not having any expectations on my shoulders whatsoever but I don't really like going unnoticed..Notice me senpai!

Photo Op Time!

Last Week or so we did the photo shoot for the advertisements, billboards, etc. There isn't too much to tell but a lot to show, so this post will mostly be pictures and rightly so. We got pizza for the cast that everyone was too scared to eat until after their photos were taken, you can probably guess that I wasn't one of those people. I was the girl who had a slice before and after and now can't stop thinking about how badly I need to get into shape. Hollywood fad diets here I come, next up military diet! Everyone was fun and took great pictures, mine were hit and miss because it's rare for others to take my photo and I don't know how to position myself. I should really work on that, but first I'll work on my ass so it becomes naturally more photogenic.



Monday, May 4, 2015

D Coffee Shop Closes at 9PM!

So I have scoured Craigslist for fun and odd jobs and met my share of creeps, cons, and easy money. I came across an opportunity that has made me drop my listing addiction and kept me busy. I saw an ad for a television show being filmed here in Vegas and needed some more people to be part of the team. Of course I jumped on it, but how I actually got it I have no idea. The show is called D Coffee Shop Closes At 9PM. I read the script for the 1st episode and have to say it's right up my alley. It reminds me of the old Twilight Zone episodes (which I'm a HUGE fan of) but where the person who enters it is able to escape better off. My title is sales executive and I'm trying to get people to advertise on the show. So far it's been really fun working alongside Steven Rush and Lakisha Swift and even getting to go to Interop and the proceeding after parties hosted by various businessmen. After which I got to meet "Big Tigger" and get a photo op. I don't want to give a lot away, but will of course post about my best adventures on the job right here. If you live in the Vegas area make sure to tune into MYLVTV when it finally airs in August, and in the meantime you can always go to to learn about the show and some of the stars on it.