Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ariana Grande 2nd base W/ Donut

I'll start by saying that this blog is supposed to entail my opinion on current events as well as talk about my life. So can we talk about Ariana for a second? There's a video going around of Grande licking a display doughnut and then saying she hates America. I know we like to act like celebrities live in some alternate universe to us, but in reality she IS American. I don't know about you guys, but everyone I know has said at some point that they hate this country. One of the things I like is that I'm allowed to have a negative opinion about this country, a privilege not everyone gets. It was a holiday and she seems drunk. Yes Ariana was rude and obviously needs to grow up some. However she doesn't need to apologize to the world or have her actions called disgusting, or arrested for "contamination" because she may have licked a display doughnut. She needs to march her perky butt down to that shop and apologize to that worker. When I hear something about a celebrity I always picture them as a normal person I know and then form my opinion. Because believing they are held to a different standard is what causes the holier than though attitudes in them we hate in the first place. I hope we don't live in a world where if I snap at a stranger I have to post a YouTube video about my mistakes.